Corporate treasury is our core – whether this is in general advisory, process optimization, system selection, or interim treasury. Several of our consultants have a practical background in corporate treasury and understands how the Treasurer thinks and what their priorities are. Combining this with unique technological insight, we can provide second-to-none services to our customers within the following:
infiniance has been doing several “Treasury Snap Checks” for our customers – which briefly is a questionnaire making a “X-ray” of the current situation in the treasury, comparing to peers, and the end product is a pragmatic report including a road map for future improvements
We have assisted several of our customers in designing their Cash pool set-up and optimizing their cash concentration
We have analysed and implemented Supply Chain Finance solutions – with substantial gains on the liquidity as a result
Helping our customers to select the best Treasury Management Solution is something we have done many times – and we are using a well proven analysis and process template. As an independent consulting company, we have no system preferences – we prefer the system that best support our customers’ requirements
When our customers have had an urgent need for an interim treasurer for any reason we have provided daily-operation-assistance for shorter or longer periods.
Langelinie Allé 27B, DK-2100 Copenhagen
Tel.: +45 3086 0084 | | CVR/VAT no.: 4489 5064
SkySparc acquires infiniance, combining expertise to enhance position in treasury consulting
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